OHDSI Symposium​ 'Full Steam Ahead' 2023 July 3rd

The fourth European OHDSI Symposium called "Full Steam Ahead" aimed to bring data partners, regulators, and researchers to collaborate and share results and ideas about the use of the OMOP-CDM in Europe.

The main symposium took place on Monday, July 3rd 2023 at the ship SS Rotterdam. Saturday July 1st, and Sunday July 2nd were dedicated to workshop and workgroup meetings, held in the Education Centre of the Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam.

The symposium had 350 participants, 23 plenary presentations, and 94 posters.

Video Recordings can be found on the OHDSI YouTube Channel.










1. Welcome to the European OHDSI Journey

Peter Rijnbeek, PhD, Chair, Department of Medical Informatics, Erasmus MC

2. Journey of OHDSI: Where Have We Been and Where We Can Go Together?            

Patrick Ryan, PhD, Janssen Research and Development, Department of Biomedical Informatics, Columbia University Medical Center

3. European Initiatives Using the OMOP CDM

Moderator: Renske Los, PhD, Assistant Professor of Medical Informatics, Department of Medical Informatics, Erasmus MC

  1. 1:45 - European Health Data and Evidence Network: building a sustainable ecosystem for generating reliable evidence in Europe - Carlos Diaz, Synapse
  2. 23:45 - Harmonizing rare cancer data: lessons learned in EURACAN - Maaike van Swieten, IKNL
  3. 45:15 - HONEUR: Building a federated network in haematology - Michel van Speybroeck, Janssen Pharmaceutica
  4. 1:01:45- PIONEER and OPTIMA, two EU-IMI funded big data projects led by the European Association of Urology - Monique Roobol, Professor Decision Making in Urology, Erasmus MC

1:20:45 - Panel Discussion and Q/A



Collaborator Showcase

Introduction by moderator Katia Verhamme, MD, Associate Professor of Use and Analysis of Observational Data, Department of Medical Informatics, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam.

  1. 00:45 - Tools for the collaborative maintenance of national vocabularies and mappings
    Speaker: Javier Gracia-Tabuenca
  2. 06:05 - Implementation of the ARES application to monitor network-wide data quality and mapping coverage for 16 unique OMOP sources across Rwanda
    Speaker: Jared Houghtaling
  3. 12:10 - Multi-site Cost-effectiveness and Markov Chain analysis of heart failure
    Speaker: Markus Haug
  4. 18:40 - Deep Learning Comparison
    Speaker: Henrik John
  5. 24:20 - The association of short-, medium and long-term cardiovascular sequelae with COVID-19 infection: a multinational pilot study
    Speaker: Ian Wong
  6. 27:50 - Supporting pharmacovigilance signal validation and prioritization with analyses of routinely collected health data - lessons learned from an EHDEN network study
    Speaker: Judith Brand
  7. 35:50 - Pattern of long COVID symptoms and conditions: clustering analysis based on large multinational cohorts as part of an EHDEN Study-A-Thon
    Speaker: Marti Catala Sabate
  8. 42:35 - Evaluation of treatment effect heterogeneity in the LEGEND-Hypertension study
    Speaker: Alexandros Rekkas
  9. 48:35 - Characteristics and outcomes of over a million inflammatory bowel disease subjects in seven countries: a multinational cohort study
    Speaker: Chen Yanover
  10. 57:10 - Prediction of 30-day, 90-day and 1 year mortality after colorectal cancer surgery using a data-driven approach
    Speaker: Ismail Gögenur





1. Real-World Evidence use in Medicines Regulation

Andrej Segec, European Medicines Agency

2. Data Analysis and Real World Interrogation Network (DARWIN EU®)

Introduction: Dani Prieto-Alhambra, MD, PhD Professor of Pharmaco- and Device Epidemiology University of Oxford, Professor of Real World Evidence and Methods Research, Erasmus MC

  1. 01:20 - Development - Ed Burn
  2. 12:03 - Study Operations - Katia Verhamme
  3. 20:17 - The SIDIAP experience as Data Partner in DARWIN EU® - Talita Duarte-Salles
  4. 30:34 - Drug utilisation of valproate-containing medicinal products in women of childbearing age: a network study part of DARWIN EU® - Albert Prats-Uribe
  5. 40:07 - Drug utilisation of antibiotics in the 'Watch' category of the WHO AWaRe classification of antibiotics for evaluation and monitoring of use: a network study part of DARWIN EU® - Johnmary Arinze

47:53 - Questions and Answers Session

3. Closure

Peter Rijnbeek, PhD, Chair, Department of Medical Informatics, Erasmus MC



Introduction to OHDSI

When: July 1st, 10:00-12:30

Faculty: Aniek Markus, Renske Los, Cynthia Yang


  • History & philosophy behind OHDSI
  • How does the community work
  • What can currently be done with the OHDSI tools
  • What does it take to be able to use the tools
  • Where and how can you learn more about OHDSI

Target Audience: Anyone new to OHDSI, interested in data standards, methods research, open-source development or clinical evidence generation.


 Day 1

Day 2

Phenotyping Workshop Part 1 and Part 2

When: July 1st, 13:30-17:00 and July 2nd, 10:00-12:30 

Faculty: Anna Ostropolets, Patrick Ryan, Talita Duarte Salles, Victor Pera

Description: The purpose of this 2-part workshop is to share current community practices in phenotype development and evaluation, During the afternoon there are several selforganised meetings by National Nodes, European Data Partners, and ad hoc meetings with OHDSI experts. Feel free to reach out to us if you are interested. Agenda OHDSI Europe Symposium 2023 provide hands-on experience using opensource tools created to support the phenotyping process, and collaboratively apply these tools and practices to a set of phenotypes for indications and outcomes of interest that can be used across the OHDSI network and related research efforts. 

Target Audience: Any stakeholder interested in designing, implementing, or evaluating observational studies that require phenotypes, developers interested in creating tools to support the phenotype process, or data partners interested in assessing phenotypes within their data source or across a network.


The workgroups were not recorded, as they were designed to be informal.

HADES Workgroup

When: July 1st, 10:00-12:30

Lead: Martijn Schuemie

Vocabulary Workgroup

When: July 1st, 10:00-12:30

Lead: Christian Reich

Patient Level Prediction Workgroup

When: July 2nd, 13:30-16:00

Lead: Ross Williams, Jenna Reps

CDM-ETL Workgroup

When: July 2nd, 13:30-16:00

Lead: Maxim Moinat, Clair Blacketer, Erica Voss

Oncology Workgroup

When: July 2nd, 13:30-16:00

Lead: Asieh Golozar

Symposium Booklet

The booklet can be found: here.

It includes information about the:

  • Symposium Agenda
  • Symposium Sponsors
  • Software Demonstrations
  • National Nodes
  • Poster Presentations
  • Workshop and Workgroup Agenda


Pdfs can be viewed by clicking on the poster title

Observational data standards and management

The EHDEN Portal – Simplifying the access to OMOP CDM databases 

João Rafael Almeida, Nigel Hughes, Peter Rijnbeek, José Luís Oliveira 

Privacy-preserving using k-anonymity and l-diversity in OMOP CDM databases 

João Rafael Almeida, José Luís Oliveira 

The Dutch ICU Data Warehouse: towards a standardized multicenter electronic health record database 

Ameet Jagesar, Martijn Otten, Tariq Dam, Laurens Biesheuvel, Dagmar Ouweneel, Geert Klop, Leon Derks, Lucas Fleuren, Ronald Driessen, Patrick Thoral, Armand Girbes, Jonas Rubrech, Dave Dongelmans, Bas van Bussel, Marga Hoogendoorn, Margo van Mol, Christiaan Boerma, Paul Elbers

Community Contribution to the OHDSI Vocabularies, User-Level QA and a New Entity Mapping System SSSOM

Oleg Zhuk, Anna Ostropolets, Nicolas Matentzoglu, Melissa Haendel, Davera Gabriel, Alexander Davydov, Christian Reich 

Platform for Harmonizing and Accessing Data in Real-time Infectious Disease Surveillance (PHAROS)

Chungsoo Kim, Byungjin Choi, Junhyuk Chang, Soobeen Seol, Seongwon Lee, Min Ho An, Rae Woong Park 

Roadmap and improvement of OHDSI Vocabularies 

Christian Reich, Alexander Davydov, Anna Ostropolets 

Integrating the OMOP CDM into the AI Sandbox of the German Health Data Lab 

Melissa Finster, Elham Taghizadeh, Maxim Moinat 

ARACHNE Execution Engine – Next Generation: Adaptive runtime environment to run federated studies

Sergey Suvorov, Adam Black, Alexey Manoylenko, Vitaly Koulakov, Konstantin Yaroshovets, Gregory Klebanov 

European Health Data & Evidence Network – Learnings from Building out a Standardized International Health Data Network 

Erica A. Voss, Clair Blacketer, Sebastiaan van Sandijk, Maxim Moinat, Michael Kallfelz, Michel Van Speybroeck, Dani Prieto-Alhambra, Martijn J. Schuemie, Peter R Rijnbeek 


Mapping Data of Patients with Hematological Malignancies to the OMOP Common Data Model: A Case Study of Chronic lymphocytic Leukemia 

Evangelia Minga, Dimitra Chamou, Thomas Chatzikonstantinou, Pantelis Natsiavas, Kostas Stamatopoulos, Evangelos Handakas, Anastasia Chatzidimitriou 


An Evaluation and maintenance of cohorts and concept sets the in OMOP Vocabulary Evolution 

Dmitry Dymshyts, Frank DeFalco, Anthony Molinaro, Clair Blacketer 


Standardization of the French national database SNDS in OMOP-CDM 

Gaëlle Rimaud , Cécile Charles, Elena Mylonas, Gil Lampe, Stéphanie Combes, Lorien Benda 


The LAISDAR project – hospital EHR harmonization in Rwanda through mapping to OMOP CDM; outcome, challenges and lessons learned 

Lars Halvorsen, Jared Houghtaling, Emma Gesquiere, Lore Vermeylen, Benjamin Burke, Charles Ruranga, Marc Twagirumukizah, Gilbert Rukundo, Clarisse Musanabaganwa, Claude M. Muvunyi, Jean Claude S. Ngabonziza, Aurore Nishimwe 


The EHDEN Academy - Solidifying Our Foundations 

L.H. John, R.K. Los, M. Miani, P. Nagy, I. Soinen, R. Tischler, P.R. Rijnbeek 


Standardizing European sarcoma registry data to the OMOP Common Data Model 

Maaike van Swieten, Vittoria Ramella, Anna Alloni, Matteo Gabetta, Peter Prinsen, Chiara Attanasio, Espen Enerly, Siri Larønningen, Roberto Lillini, Paolo Lasalvia, Joanna Szkandera, Stefan Janisch, Andreas Muth, Emelie Styring, Julien Bollard, Annalisa Trama, Gijs Geleijnse 


Implementation of the ARES application to monitor network-wide data quality and mapping coverage for 16 unique OMOP sources across Rwanda 

Jared Houghtaling, Emma Gesquiere, Lars Halvorsen, Marc Twagirumukiza, Charles Ruranga 


Framework and approach to establish a multi-registry OMOP cluster with shared OHDSI tooling and access specificity 

Jared Houghtaling, Emma Gesquiere, Lisa McDowell, Cathy Enright, Claire Donohoe, Tom Feusels, Lars Halvorsen 


Hierarchical clustering of microbial resistance profiles and ventilation protocols using the oncology extension 

Jared Houghtaling, Frederic Jung, Ankur Krishnan, Marc Padros Goossens, Frank Leus, Lauren Maxwell, Tom Feusels, Freija Descamps 


Capture and consolidation of renal specific concepts into a cohesive OMOP dataset 

Jared Houghtaling, Jose Antonio Ramírez García, Clémence Le Cornec, Lore Vermeylen, Nir Assaraf, Lars Halvorsen 


Creation of a reusable OMOP transformation workflow for Belgian electronic health record systems 

Jared Houghtaling, Lore Vermeylen, Louise Vandenbroucke, Korneel Bernaert, Brecht Dekeyser, Freija Descamps 


Construction of a central ontology platform for semantic mapping coordination and vocabulary augmentation across a multi-partner oncology consortium 

Jared Houghtaling, Peter Prinsen, Maaike van Swieten, Chiara Attanasio, Lars Halvorsen 


Application of the R-CDM extension to capture metadata and features extracted from quantitative brain MRI and CT data 

Jelle Praet, Jared Houghtaling, Frederic Jung, Steve De Backer, Jeroen Pinxten and Dirk Smeets  


NNRD-AI: a national neonatal research database for rapid insights with machine learning and artificial intelligence 

Julia Lanoue, Kayleigh Ougham, Neena Modi, Sam Greenbury 


OMOP-CDM Data conversion for the Papageorgiou General Hospital in Greece 

Grigorios Papapostolou, Achilleas Chytas, Maria Bigaki, Pantelis Natsiavas 


Development of a GA4GH Beacon for structured Clinical Data Discovery using the OMOP-CDM 

Alberto Labarga, Sergi Aguiló-Castillo


Quality Management System of the OHDSI Standardized Vocabularies 

Vlad Korsik, Anna Ostropolets, Christian Reich, Alexander Davydov 


Transforming Estonian cancer data to episode table in OMOP 

Marek Oja, Sirli Tamm, Raivo Kolde 


Transforming EBMT Registry to the OMOP Common Data Model 

Maria Paula Busto, Marina Atlija, Freija Descamps, Ben Burke 


Automatic Data Import from OMOP to REDCap 

Matteo Gabetta, Francesco Pozzoni, Mauro Bucalo, Cristiana Larizza, Nicola Barbarini 


DARWIN EU®: Assessing the data quality at data partner onboarding 

Sofia Bazakou, Maxim Moinat, Anne van Winzum 


Building an OMOP CDM repository from OpenEHR: implementation experience of INFOBANCO 

Miguel Pedrera-Jiménez, Antonio Díaz Holgado, David Moner-Cano, Paula Rubio-Mayo, Noelia García-Barrio, Julián Jiménez-Carramiñana, Diego Boscá-Tomás, Juan Luis Cruz-Bermúdez, Javier de la Cruz-Bertolo, José Luis Bernal-Sobrino, Pablo Serrano-Balazote 


A Simple Standard for Sharing Ontological Mappings (SSSOM) Workshop for OHDSI Europe 

Nicolas Matentzoglu, Polina Talapova, Andrew Williams, Alex H. Wagner, Anita Caron, Cassia Trojhan, Charlie Hoyt, Chris Mungall, Damien Goutte-Gattat, David Osumi-Sutherland, Emily Hartley, Ernesto Jimenez-Ruiz, Harshad Hegde, Henriette Harmse, Hyeongsik Kim, Ian Braun, Ian Harrow, James McLaughlin, Jim Balhoff, John Graybeal, Melissa Haendel, Nicole Vasilevsky, Nomi Harris, Núria Queralt Rosinach, Simon Jupp, Sophie Aubin, Thomas Liener, Tiffany Callahan, Tim Putman, William Duncan


Conceptual architecture for the Digital Oncology Network for Europe - an OMOP based European federated, automated cancer care quality ecosystem 

Olivier Bouissou, Ismini Chatzitheofilou, Gennaro Ciliberto, Marco Denti, Xosé Fernández, Dennis Kadioglu, Stelios Theophanous, Joëlle Thonnard, Alberto Traverso, Piers Mahon 


Building a European cancer OMOP network in hospitals with limited OMOP experience using tiered and modular protocolised research 

Atif Adam, Piers Mahon 


Data OMOPisation of cancer data at Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc 

Joëlle Thonnard, Frédéric Calay, Audrey Timmermans, Cédric Van Marcke 


OMOP for oncology data: a single-centre and network perspective 

Stelios Theophanous, Kieran Zucker, Louise Hick, Edward Bolton, Majid Riaz, Hayley Fenton, John Corkett, Sue Cheeseman, Geoff Hall 


Oslo University Hospital Participation in a European Cancer OMOP Network 

Olivier Bouissou, Ingrid K. S. Hanto, Elisabeth Ross 


The DigiONE FORGE Approach to Providing OMOP Oncology Data for Federated Analyses 

Daniel Maier, Fabienne A. U. Fox, Abishaa Vengadeswaran, Andrea Wolf, Christian Brandts, Daniel P. Brucker, Holger Storf, Janne Vehreschild, Timo Schneider, Dennis Kadioglu 


Lessons learned from four population-based cancer registries: Mapping of ICD-O-3 codes to standard concepts  

Peter Prinsen, Maaike van Swieten, Chiara Attanasio, Espen Enerly, Siri Larønningen, Elisabetta Rapiti, David Marcic, Evelyne Fournier, Pierre Künzli, Michael Schnell, Sophie Couffignal, Claudine Backes 


Interoperability through Collaboration: Developing a Global Oncology Standard 

Robert Miller, Asieh Golozar, Georgina Kennedy, Kim W. Carter 


Tools for the collaborative maintenance of national vocabularies and mappings 

Javier Gracia-Tabuenca, Shanmukha Sampath Padmanabhuni, Anna Hammais, Pasi Rikala, Pertu Koskenvesa, Gustav Klingstedt 


A new route of administration hierarchy derived from dose forms supporting standardised drug dose calculations 

Theresa Burkard, Artem Gorbachev, Kim Lopez-Güell, Daniel Prieto-Alhambra, Martí Català, Christian Reich 


Paving the way to estimate dose in OMOP CDM for Drug Utilisation Studies in DARWIN EU 

Theresa Burkard, Kim Lopez-Güell, Artem Gorbachev, Annika M Jödicke, Nuria Mercadé-Besora, Talita Duarte-Salles, Maria de Ridder, Mees Mosseveld, Dani Prieto-Alhambra, Christian Reich, Martí Català 


Extending OMOP-CDM for registering tomography imaging metadata and subsequent annotation and curation processes. 

Varvara Kalokyri, Haridimos Kondylakis, Stelios Sfakianakis, Katerina Nikiforaki, Simone Mazzetti, Nikolaos Tachos, Dimitrios I. Fotiadis, Konstantinos Marias, Manolis Tsiknakis 


A reusable method to assess the quality of the ETL process 

Vittoria Ramella, Matteo Gabetta, Mauro Bucalo, Nicola Barbarini 


Open-source analytics development


CDMConnector: Cross platform OMOP CDM database queries using dplyr 

Adam Black, Edward Burn, Artem Gorbachev, Martí Català 


Development of an OMOP Ontology Application – PROSA – for creation and maintenance of highly granular source concepts within the OMOP vocabulary structure 

Jared Houghtaling, Emma Gesquiere, and Lars Halvorsen 


A method to facilitate rapid stand up of OMOP research tools from validated libraries for RWE research 

Jack Brewster, Eleanor Davies, Sarah Seager


Generating Synthetic Data from OMOP-CDM databases for Health Applications 

Alberto Labarga, Sergi Aguiló-Castillo, S. Capella-Gutierrez


Performance Improvement of Post-ETL in OMOP CDM 

Wai Yi Man, Antonella Delmestri 


Clinical Applications


Drug utilisation of valproate-containing medicinal products in women of childbearing age: a network study part of DARWIN EU® 

Albert Prats-Uribe, Martí Català, Katia M Verhamme, Maria de Ridder, Carlen Reyes, Talita Duarte-Salles, Peter Rijnbeek, Edward Burn, Daniel Prieto-Alhambra, Annika M. Jödicke 


Evaluation of treatment effect heterogeneity in the LEGEND-Hypertension study 

Alexandros Rekkas, David van Klaveren, Jenna M. Reps, Peter R. Rijnbeek 


Estimating the prevalence of rare blood cancers in Europe: a network study part of DARWIN EU® 

Martí Català, Annika Jödicke, Albert Prats-Uribe, Katia M Verhamme, Asieh Golozar, Berta Raventós, Talita Duarte-Salles, Edelmira Martí, Peter Rijnbeek, Daniel Prieto-Alhambra, Edward Burn 


Vaccine effectiveness to prevent long COVID: A staggered cohort study using primary care electronic health records from the United Kingdom 

Martí Català, Núria Mercadé-Besora, Raivo Kolde, Nhung TH Trinh, Elena Roel, Edward Burn, Trishna Rathod-Mistry, Kristin Kostka, Wai Yi Man, Antonella Delmestri, Hedvig ME Nordeng, Anneli Uusküla, Talita Duarte-Salles, Daniel Prieto-Alhambra, Annika M. Jödicke 


Heart failure burden in patients with incident CKD in the US: a multi-database FOUNTAIN analysis 

Martin Lavallee, David Vizcaya, Elena Pessina, Nikolaus Oberprieler, Glen James, Asieh Golozar 


Supporting pharmacovigilance signal validation and prioritisation with analyses of routinely collected health data – lessons learned from an EHDEN network study 

Oskar Gauffin, Judith S Brand, Sara Hedfors Vidlin, Daniele Sartori, Suvi Asikainen, Martí Català, Etir Chalabi, Daniel Dedman, Ana Danilovic, Talita Duarte Salles, Maria Teresa García Morales, Saara Hiltunen, Annika M. Jödicke, Milan Lazarevic, Miguel A. Mayer, Jelena Miladinovic, Joseph Mitchell, Andrea Pistillo, Juan Manuel Ramírez-Anguita, Carlen Reyes, Annette Rudolph, Lovisa Sandberg, Ruth Savage, Martijn Schuemie, Dimitrije Spasic, Nhung TH Trinh, Nevena Veljkovic, Ankica Vujovic, Marcel de Wilde, Alem Zekarias, Peter Rijnbeek, Patrick Ryan, Daniel Prieto-Alhambra, G. Niklas Norén 


Secur-e-Health project: towards federated learning for smart care of pediatric obesity 

Rita Rb-Silva, Carolina Ameijeiras-Rodrigues, José Miguel Diniz, João Moreira-Pinto, Alberto Freitas, Tiago Taveira-Gomes 


Measuring multimorbidity in IPCI: An analysis of more than 1.8 million patients. 

Solomon Ioannou, Egill Fridgeirsson, Marcel de Wilde, Jan Kors, Peter Rijnbeek, Katia Verhamme 


Pre-coordination of structural and semantic conventions to capture breast cancer indicators in the context of the European University Hospital Alliance (EUHA) 

Tijs Delabastita, Pieter Maertens, Jared Houghtaling, Pieter Stijnen, Guy Vanden Boer, Johan Van Eldere 


Short-, medium-, and long-term psychiatric and neuropsychiatric consequences of COVID-19: A multinational pilot study 

Yi Chai, Ivan C. H. Lam, Eric Y. F. Wan, Celine S. L. Chui, Xue Li, Kenneth K. C. Man, Wallis C. Y. Lau, Xiaoyu Lin, Can Yin, Fan Min, Jing Li, Sarah Seager, Mui Van Zandt, Hao Luo, Ian C. K. Wong 


Changes in Incidence of Screening and Diagnostic Tests, Breast, Colorectal, Lung and Prostate Cancer, Before, During and After the UK National COVID-19 Lockdowns: A Cohort Study  

Nicola L. Barclay, Annika M. Jödicke, Xihang Chen, Antonella Delmestri, Berta Raventós, Wai Yi Man, Danielle Newby, Daniel Prieto-Alhambra, Marta Pineda-Moncusí, Martí Català 


Facilitating Global Understanding of Tixagevimab/Cilgavimab Use: Leveraging OMOP Common Data Model for Harmonized Data Extraction and Federated Network Creation 

Dan Housman, Yuval Koren, Daniel Poscover, Charles E. Barr, Aaron Kamauu, Amanda Shields 


Are scaphoid fractures osteoporotic? 

Yonatan Schwarcz, Chen Yanover, Inbal Goldshtein 


The use of WHO 'Watch List' Antibiotics in Europe: a DARWIN-EU® network population-based network cohort study 

Johnmary T. Arinze, Maria de Ridder, Talita Duarte-Salles, Marti Catala-Sabate, Antonella Delmestri, Hezekiah Omulo, James Brash, Hanne van Ballegooijen, Juan Manuel Ramírez-Anguita, Angela Leis, Miguel-Angel Mayer, Romain Griffier, Peter Rijnbeek, Dani Prieto Alhambra, Katia MC Verhamme 


COVID-19 vaccines effectiveness against thromboembolic complications in the post-acute phase of the COVID-19 infection: a staggered cohort study using UK primary care electronic health records  

Núria Mercadé-Besora, Wai Yi Man, Antonella Delmestri, Clara Prats, Daniel Prieto-Alhambra, Annika M Jödicke, Martí Català  


Large-scale characterization of patients with metastatic hormone sensitive prostate cancer across a network of observational data. Results from the European network of excellence for big data in prostate cancer (PIONEER)’s Second Studyathon 

Asieh Golozar, Juan Gomez Rivas, Rossella Nicoletti, Bertrand de Meulder, Qi Feng, Susan Evans Axelsson, Robert Snijder, Artem Gorbachev, Ayemn Hijazi, Peter Prinsen, Philip Cornford, Peter-Paul Willemse, Anders Bjartell, Teemu Murtola, Carl Steinbeißer, James N’dow


Prevalence and treatment patterns in Patients with Bipolar Disorder Depression 

Carmen O. Torre, Anda Gershon 


Validation and Comparison of Frailty Indexes: An OHDSI Network Study 

Chen Yanover, Louisa Smith, Tal El-Hay, Brianne Olivieri-Mui, Maytal Bivas-Benita, Robert Cavanaugh, Pinchas Akiva, Chelsea N. Wong, Ariela Orkaby 


Characteristics and outcomes of over a million inflammatory bowel disease subjects in seven countries: a multinational cohort study 

Chen Yanover, Ramit Magen-Rimon, Erica Voss, Joel Swerdel, Anna Sheahan, Nathan Hall, Jimyung Park, Rae Woong Park, Kwang Jae Lee, Sung Jae Shin, Seung In Seo, Kyung-Joo Lee, Thomas Falconer, Leonard Haas, Paul Nagy, Mary Bowring, Michael Cook, Steven Miller, Tal El-Hay, Maytal Bivas-Benita, Pinchas Akiva, Yehuda Chowers, Roni Weisshof 


Prediction of 30-day, 90-day and 1 year mortality after colorectal cancer surgery using a data-driven approach 

Karoline Bendix Bräuner, Andi Tsouchnika, Maliha Mashkoor, Ross D. Williams, Andreas Weinberger Rosen, Morten Frederik Schlaikjær Hartwig, Mustafa Bulut, Niclas Dohrn, Peter R. Rijnbeek, Ismail Gögenur 


The use of contraception in females with underlying conditions 

Emma Lippens, Victor Pera, Peter R. Rijnbeek, Katia M.C. Verhamme 


A Nationwide Cohort Study of Outcomes and Mortality after Colorectal Surgery in Elderly Patients 

Ilze Ose, Andreas Weinberger Rosen, Karoline Bendix Bräuner, Maliha Mashkoor, Mathilde Glud Christensen, Emilie Barbara Palmgren Colov, Rasmus Peuliche Vogelsang, Ismail Gögenur, Rasmus Dahlin Bojesen 


The association of short-, medium and long-term cardiovascular sequelae with COVID-19 infection: a multinational pilot study  

Ivan C.H Lam, Yi Chai, Eric Y.F Wan, Celine S.L Chui, Xue Li, Carlos K.H Wong, Hao Luo, Kenneth K.C Man, Xiaoyu Lin, Can Yin, Jing Li, Mui Van Zandt, Sarah Seager, Ian Chi Kei Wong 


Automated Retrospective Data Extraction from Electronic Health Records Using Natural Language Processing to Identify Transthyretin Amyloid Cardiomyopathy in a Real-World Heart Failure Population

Dries Hens, Ana Moya, Clara L. Oeste, Monika Beles, Sofie Verstreken, Riet Dierckx, Ward Heggermont, Jozef Bartunek, Eline Bogaerts, Imke Masuy, Marc Vanderheyden


The appraisal of WHO definition of post COVID-19 condition (long COVID): an international network cohort and meta-analysis study

Junqing Xie, Kim Lopez-Güell, Kristin Kostka, Alicia Abellan, Jessie O Oyinlola, JaimeMeléndez-Cardiel, Juan Manuel Ramírez-Anguita, Anneli Uusküla, Daniel Prieto-Alhambra, Roger Paredes, Martí Català1, Annika M. Jödicke


Development and characterization of a phenotype algorithm to identify Acute Kidney Injury in RWD

Marcela Rivera, David Vizcaya, Juan Manuel Ramírez-Anguita, Azza Shoaibi, Gowtham Rao, Angela Leis, Miguel Angel Mayer


Pattern of long COVID symptoms and conditions: clustering analysis based on large multinational cohorts as part of an EHDEN Study-A-Thon

Kim López-Güell, Martí Català, Daniel Dedman, Talita Duarte-Salles, Raivo Kolde, Raúl López-Blasco, Álvaro Martínez, Lourdes Mateu, Gregoire Mercier, Alicia Abellan, Johnmary T. Arinze, Theresa Burkard, Edward Burn,
Zara Cuccu, Dominique Delseny, Chungsoo Kim, Ji-woo Kim, Kristin Kostka, Francesco Lapi, Cora Loste, Ettore Marconi, Miguel A. Mayer, Jaime Meléndez-Cardiel, Núria Mercadé-Besora, Mees Mosseveld, Jessie O Oyinlola,
Roger Paredes, Juan Manuel Ramírez-Anguita, Anneli Uusküla, Bernardo Valdivieso, Junqing Xie, Annika M Jödicke, Daniel Prieto-Alhambra


Associations between pre-operative cholesterol levels with long-term survival after colorectal cancer surgery: A nationwide propensity score-matched cohort study

Lea Löffler, Mikail Gögenur, Ismail Gögenur 


Methodological research


Phenotyping for DARWIN EU®: Standardising the phenotype creation process and the metadata storage to increase reproducibility, traceability, and reusability.  

Albert Prats-Uribe, Annika M. Jödicke, Asieh Golozar, Christian Reich, Rowan Parry, Peter Rijnbeek, Katia M Verhamme, Daniel Prieto-Alhambra 


Toward generalizable clinical prediction models: a large-scale investigation using stacking ensembles 

Cynthia Yang, Egill A. Fridgeirsson, Jan A. Kors, Jenna M. Reps, Peter R. Rijnbeek, Jenna Wong, Ross D. Williams 


Interpretable decision rules for patient-level prediction with EXPLORE 

Aniek F. Markus, Jan A. Kors, Egill A. Fridgeirsson, Katia M.C. Verhamme, Peter R. Rijnbeek 


A Data Driven Approach to Database Fitness for Use 

Clair Blacketer, Frank DeFalco, Dmitry Dymshyts, Martijn Schuemie, Peter Rijnbeek 


Automated Concept Mapping System for OMOP using Vector Representations and Cross-hospital Mapping 

Martina Carres, Gabriel Maeztu, Mónica Arrúe 


Comparing concepts extracted from clinical Dutch text to conditions in the structured data 

Tom M. Seinen, Jan A. Kors, Erik M. van Mulligen, Peter R. Rijnbeek 


PlasmodeSim: R package to simulate data with known treatment assignment and outcome generating processes 

Gidius van de Kamp, Alexandros Rekkas 


Transforming Multimodal Data from Music Therapy Sessions into OMOP CDM Format 

Jared Houghtaling, Katrien Foubert  


Deep Learning Comparison 

LH John, C Kim, JM Reps, EA Fridgeirsson 


Multi-site Cost-effectiveness and Markov Chain analysis of heart failure 

Markus Haug, Raivo Kolde 


Developing a phenotype algorithm to identify natural menopausal women in secondary data: A multi-country, large-scale OHDSI network study 

Siir Su Saydam, Carina Dinkel-Keuthage, Cecilia Caetano, Cecile Janssenswillen, Carsten Moeller, Nils Schoof, James Brash, Victoria Banks 

 Software Demonstrations

Software Demonstrations


FinnGen ETL using BigQuery SQL 

Shanmukha Sampath Padmanabhuni, Javier Gracia-Tabuenca, Mary Pat Reeve 


Software demonstration for PatientProfiles: an R package for patient characterisation based on pre-defined phenotypes and cohorts 

Mike Du, Yuchen Guo, Kim Lopez-Guell, Xintong Li, Nuria Mercade Besora, Daniel Prieto-Alhambra, Edward Burn, Marti Catala 


ReportGenerator: An R Package to automate study reports from Darwin EU research 

Cesar Barboza Gutierrez, Ger Inberg, Maarten van Kessel, Daniel Prieto-Alhambra, Ross D. Williams 


IncidencePrevalence: An R package to calculate population-level incidence and prevalence rates using the OMOP Common Data Model 

Martí Català, Berta Raventós, Mike Du, Yuchen Guo, Adam Black, Ger Inberg, Xintong Li, Kim López-Güell, Danielle Newby, Maria de Ridder, Cesar Barboza, Talita Duarte-Salles, Katia Verhamme, Peter Rijnbeek, Daniel Prieto Alhambra, Edward Burn 


DrugUtilisation, an R Package to implement Patient-level Drug Utilisation Studies analysis using the OMOP common data model  

Yuchen Guo, Mike Du, Kim Lopez-Guell, Xintong Li, Ger Inberg, Therese Buckhard, Annika M. Jödicke, Artem Gorbachev, Daniel Prieto-Alhambra, Edward Burn, Martí Català 

